Friday, July 27, 2007

Modern times...

...and if I told you that I love you... (Piazza G. Pasolini)

...and if I told you that I love you... (Via Menabrea)

but... I would have to speak of it with an accountant (Via Menabrea)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Costa Smeralda - 9-14.07.2007

8 o'clock in the morning, we just arrived... breakfast on "Believe" with Riccardo and Izia

Margherita and Cristiana (above) - Back of Believe (bellow)

2 hours later, met Marzia and other friends...

one day at Tempio

two days and one night at Gravier's (Porto Rotondo)

Vale & me




All together at the supermarket

On the boat: Stefania, Benedetta, Valeria, Alejandro and kids

Alejandro ready to jump and swim to Tommaso's boat

Tiziano follows his dad swimming

Tiziano, Benicio, Lorenzo and Balthazar (photos by Valeria)

Last day on the beach, Stefania and Tony coming to pick us up in Long Beach

Stefania and Cristiana

Margherita and her butterfly henna tatoo

Sunset at Phi Beach

Grazie Criiiiiiiii!!!! :o)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The storm is coming over!! - Milano 4.7.2007

walking around with my umbrella wide open and sun glasses on....

the building where I work. (below)

My cousin Ana Inès and her family - Miami

The Castellan family:

Ana Inès (mum), Miguel (dad), Sofia, Santiago and Nicolàs

Santi graduation day - pre-school

visiting Kennedy Space Center