A casa di Shirley (Wendy's mom) (Granada Hills)

...In the morning... Jolie and the perfect breackfast


Shirley's perfect breackfast (french toasts, coffee and sousages)

finally with Wendy on the road to the beach

Venice Beach

11.30.2007 Magic, wonderful, great
Magic MountainsWe spent 7 hours here, with a 15 minutes break just to relax our shaking brains a little bit

The classic Colossus

Vyper... was the newest and most frightening last time I've been to MM in 1990, and now is "just a normal" one.
Tatsu 54" of pure fear, I will never gonna ride Tatsu anymore in my life...

We stopped riding because the temperture was getting very cold...

Party pre-halloween

Dinner at Gustavo Dutto's, (I haven't seen him for a long long time...)

Gustavo and wife Nancy

10.31.2007 - Halloween day

Guests at The Tonight Show

Jay Leno

the guest Star that day was Eva Mendes and wonderful singer Barry Manilowe
The Halloween evening, Shirley prepare the most wonderful chocolate cake ever

and my first "Trick or Treat" (I have stopped the kids for a picture)

11.2.2007 At Peter's with Wendy and Andy

Hollywood historical screenwriters strike in front of the Studios...

11.3.2007 Opening at Gagosian Gallery Beverly Hills

Artist Tracy Emin

There was Orlando Bloom (I could steal this picture)

The J. Paul Getty Museum
Thelma and Louise

11.4.2007 Sunday brunch at Marina del Rey (The Warehouse)

we have eaten so much, that we couldn't do anything else for the rest of the day!

11.5.2007 At Tim's great terrace...

I didn't know, but Wendy was taking me to a wonderful house exactly below the Hollywood thing.

Wendy and Tim


Tim, Log and Wendy

Log, Tim and me
walking around Hollywood blvd

Van Nuys Airport
in this airport was done the last scene of the movie Casablanca...

The Griffith Observatory

Dinner with Andrea Voras, we were school mates in Argentina... last time we saw each other we were 15 years year old

11.7.2007 Downtown LA

Walt Disney Hall

Directing a virtual orchestra...

Wendy and statue at
MOCADinner at Venice with Robert Redford

Wendy, Lacky, James and me

he really looks like Robert Redford!! doesn't he?
11.8.2007 Malibu, my last day

The famous
Neptun's Net

Thank you Wendy (took me everywhere in that big city, driving for hours). Thank you Shirley and Jolie!!! I am missing you all so much!!! :o)